Mind/Body health seems to be a hugely ignored topic and realm of study. Since taking a coarse in Mind/ Body health and reading the corresponding book, Mind/Body Health: The Effects of Attitudes, Emotions, and Relationships, I am convienced of the direct connection between our attitudes and emotions and our physical health. The book and other similar publications discuss the physiolgical responses of our bodies to attitudes, emotions, thoughts, stress, relationships, and more. Ample research has been done to establish the such connections and as well as to show the effectiveness of altering one's attiudes and emtions to better one's health. Psychoneroimmunolgy, or the study of how the brain affects the body's immune cells and how the immune system can be affected by behavior, is the foundation for mind/body health. It baffles me how ltittle public attention this feild of study gets and how its natural cures are ignored by the medical realm. Somehow our society has gotten trapped in the dangerous mental track that all sicknesses and diseases need a pill or surgery to solve.
Several of the symptoms that fibromyalgia patients suffer from, including chronic fatigue, irritalbe-bowel syndrom, insomnia, and depression, are all thoroughly discussed in the book. Discussion of disease-prone and disease-resistant personalities is also included. As a duaghter of a fibromyaglia sufferer, I have seen the undenialbe connection between my mother's health and of her attitudes, perception of stress, emotions, and relationships. I came across a mind/body network that can link you to more information.
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