Diet options for those with FM is hard to generalize because individual needs vary from person to person. My mother for example, has very little tolerance of dairy products as well as some fruits and vegetables. However, there have been several studies seeking to discover the best diet for those with fibromyalgia. One such study found that a mostly raw vegetarian diet significantly lowered fibromyalgia symptoms. Another found that a strict, low-salt vegan diet low proved effective beneficial in alleviating some fibromyalgia symptoms, at least in the short run.
A lot of times we fail to listen to our body after taking in food. I think this is especially important for those with firbromyalgia. Keep a daily log of the things you ate and how your body felt after- reporting any irritable bowel or extra energy. Doing so will help you identify those foods that you should be weary of and those that are most beneficial. Another thing to remember is to practice mindfulness while eating. I find myself constantly over eating- i guess I am no minority in that- but by eating slower and waiting five to ten minutes before my second helping has helped me to realize that when full and completely satisfied. Sounds so obvious, but in our fast-past society it is hard to practice. I guess this is not just a tip for those with FM but for all America.
It's always good to be reminded of the food guide pyramid. Thanks for posting it!